I didn't update yesterday because my day went like this: Woke up. Ran 10 miles. Came back home and slept until 1pm. Woke up and forgot about it all day.
I COMPLETED 10 MILES!! This is one of those milestones that feels really good to cross. To think when I first started this training, I couldn't even run 2 miles without a lot of walk breaks.
So, for the actual run: I got up at 4.30am as planned, drank a lot of water first thing, and left the house by 5.10am. Just the tiniest bit of light in the sky. It was perfect. Ran all the way up the "Hill of Death" as I like to call it - from my map I posted yesterday, it's the big straight road leading all the way to the east, toward "Bennets". That motherfucker is uphill the entire way, sometimes very steeply. When I reached the crest of that hill yesterday, I had a Rocky moment.
Yeah yeah great Rocky, but try it in 80+ degree heat. |
But, my run was far from over. Throughout my run, I was sweating like a pig of course, and because I left the house so early, there were tons of little clouds of bugs everywhere that kept getting stuck to my sweaty face. Disgusting, right? Just after the 3-mile marker, a bug flew into my eye.. I freaked out, all by myself on the side of the road thank god, and frantically tried to get it out. It didn't come out. This is what I'm saying:
MY EYE SWALLOWED THE BUG. AAAAHH THE HORROR. I had to pull it together and convince myself that it was a normal, totally fine thing and that I'm sure it's happened to many living things and I needed to just keep running. So I did.
After I recovered from eye-bug-swallowing, I jogged on. I took about a 3-minute walk break after mile 5. After mile 6, I came home for my water break as planned. Everything screamed in me to just forget doing the rest outside and finish on the treadmill, but I told myself I was being ridiculous and got back out there.
I didn't end up doing the Hill of Death twice as planned as my head was starting to throb after mile 7, but instead did the entire lower track twice over to reach 10 miles. I came home and was pooped, but proud.
4.30am - 1 piece multigrain toast w/ butter, 3 spoonfuls peanut butter, 2 dates, an apple, loads of water.
On the run: 2 dates
6am - few spoonfuls peanut butter, a few ounces of Gatorade
8am - toast, lots of water
1.30pm - 2 poached eggs, spinach, and ham on 1 piece multigrain toast, 2 cups coffee
5pm - smoothie with banana, mango, almonds, chia seeds, brown rice protein powder, greek yogurt, ice, walnuts, almond milk, oatmeal
7.30pm - homemade lasagna. Insanely delicious.
9pm - 2 cups coffee
5am - 10 mile "Long Run", 2 hours
5pm - 30 min dog walk