Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Crap on the internet

God, there is so much bullshit on the internet. In trying to research stuff about nutrition, running, etc, I have found that most people with blogs think they are an expert and just pull words and theories out their asses. I literally just read a woman's blog post about smoothies who said that blending fruit and vegetables "oxidizes" them and removes all the nutrients. Wow. I mean firstly, she doesn't know what oxidizes means. Why would oxidizing something remove nutrients?

This house looks like Hitler:
Heil House?

5.45am -  1 piece multigrain toast w/ butter
10.15am - smoothie with banana, pineapple, baby bok choy, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, oatmeal, greek yogurt, ice, almond milk, brown rice protein powder
2 cups coffee
1.30pm - eggs benedict, 1 glass oj
3.45pm - 1 apple
5.30pm - a few bites of potato salad
9.30pm - half a steak, carrots roasted w/ honey, balsamic, salt n pepper, small green salad w/ olive oil, balsamic, goats cheese

6am - 1 hour morning yoga class (easy)
4.30pm - 1 hour dog walk
8pm - 3-mile "Short Run" on treadmill, 377 calories, 33mins (yay!),

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