Saturday, June 15, 2013


9am - smoothie, normal stuff in it, 2 cups coffee
1pm - eggs benedict
8pm - Spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce, mushrooms

1 hour dog walk

Carbo loaded tonight! Huge load of spaghetti. Delicious. Getting psyched for my 10 miler tomorrow. I'm a little nervous actually, but I know I can do it. Have my music playlist ready, and an audiobook if music gets boring.

I'm waking up at 4.30am tomorrow morning, to leave the house by 5am. Yes, I'm serious. It will still be dark at this time and I'm hoping I can be done with the run by 7.30am. The one water station that was available on the golf course got vandalized a couple weeks ago and lord knows when it will get replaced, so my plan is to come home after mile 6, have water, maybe try and down some gatorade, banana, and my horrible tasting sports gel I bought in the UK, and then head back out for the last 4 miles. Here's the route I've planned, the little green flag in the lower left is my house.

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