Friday, May 17, 2013

Me whining and moaning.

I am so tired today. My neck hurts. I don't wanna do my jog. It's only 2 miles but I just want to sit here in my computer chair and zone out on stupid stuff on tv or the internet. Don't want to cook anything today. Don't want to clean. Just want to go back to bed or play video games or roll in the grass like my dog does. Oh yeah, don't wanna take the dog for a walk either. Don't wanna do my french lesson. Don't wanna work on the logo for the restaurant. Don't want to eat healthy food. BLAH.

Please take me for a walk. I love you.
Ok I'm done. Sometimes you need to just vent ya know.

OK going to jump on the treadmill now.

8.30am - Smoothie with banana, blueberries, ice, honey, almonds, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, flax seed oil, brown rice sprout protein powder, oats, 1 piece of multigrain toast w/ butter
1pm -  1 slice of multigrain toast with homemade hummus, romaine lettuce and 3 scrambled eggs on top, 1 golden delicious apple
6.30pm - 1 piece of dark chocolate and 1 cup earl grey w/ lemon
7.30pm - 1 chicken leg and wing
9pm - half a chicken breast
11.30pm - 1 cup green tea w/ lemon
throughout night - stuart's smoothie from this morning that he wouldn't drink. same recipe as above.

2 mile short run on treadmill, 2.16 miles total and 24mins (at 2 mile mark), 259 calories
4.45pm - 30min dog walk and then  playing fetch with him in a big field.


Stuart hated the smoothie today. He couldn't even choke it down. I mean yeah it wasn't my best attempt ever, and I think I probably overkilled it with too much protein powder, chia seeds, flaxseeds, flax oil and oats, but it wasn't THAT bad. He is such a flavor snob.  I froze his and I will have it either for dinner tonight, or breakfast tomorrow.

I have been totally slacking on wearing my pedometer. I just use the online pedometer and there's no need to check how far I've gone because I map it out before I run. Is that so wrong? I feel like relying on a pedometer to keep track of how far I've run is similar to the frustration of being on a treadmill. I keep checking every five seconds only to see I've only gone .07 more miles from when I last checked. With the online one, I already know how far I need to go so there's no need to stress about it.

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