Sunday, April 7, 2013

And On Sunday, Krystal Rested

This is my last Sunday chilling out. Every Sunday after this will be my 'Long Run' day, all the way up until the marathon in September. I didn't sit on my ass all day though, I went swimming and did some laps in the gorgeous Caribbean waters. Gotta take advantage of it while we're here.

Stuart's making a pork roast tonight. I'm freaking out about it. We're eating early-ish, which is good, so I won't feel like I want to die tomorrow morning for my first 3-mile jog.

It's so cool to look at my calendar and see that I've completed a whole week of training already. Stuart has agreed to do my cross-training sessions with me in the morning from now on. He did over 3 miles this morning on the treadmill, which is really great, but I have warned him about my experience in getting burned out by forcing yourself to do too much in the early days of training.

11am - 2 eggs, 1 piece white toast w/butter, Heinz beans, 2 pieces bacon, 6 mushrooms, 2 cups coffee
3.30pm - 1 can red bull
7.30pm - Roast pork with homemade applesauce, 1 and a half yorkshire puddings, boulangere potatoes (sliced potatoes with carmelized onions baked in chicken stock. O.M.G.), roasted carrots and brussel sprouts, gravy
11.30pm - 1 cup earl grey tea w/ lemon

Swam for like 45 mins total, 20 mins intensive swimming

I'm really eating like shit the last few days. I'm blaming it on company being here. Not a good excuse, but an excuse nonetheless. I'm going back on the healthy runner's diet after she leaves on Tuesday. Yogurt/granola/fruit for breakfast, loads of good carbs and vegetables the rest of the day. Hopefully Stuart will do a fish order from his fish supplier next week so I can cook some healthy delicious fishy meals too. A great thing is though that because I'm keeping track of everything, I can catch myself early and totally hold myself responsible.

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